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Palm Springs Friends of Philharmonic

Membership Program

Our board of directors, of which each member generously donates to the PS Phil, graciously asks that every subscriber become a member by making an annual donation. Our ticket revenue covers less than half of the expense of presenting these incredible orchestras and artists. Your generosity during the 2024-2025 season empowered us to confidently book these amazing orchestras for the 2025-2026 season, and we hope we may continue to bring such incredible orchestras to the Coachella Valley thanks to your continued philanthropy. In addition, your donations help us cultivate the next generation of orchestral music lovers through our educational programs.

Contribution Categories and Benefits

If you would like to make a contribution in honor of a family member or friend, please call the administrative office at 760-341-1013.

Distinguished Maestro

$25,000 and above:
Backstage visit and photos with artists, acknowledgement in press releases and other press as a distinguished supporter of the season, plus all below benefits.


Dinner at a private home with a musician hosted by the PSPhil, Access to the Founders Room before each concert and at intermission, plus all below benefits.

Distinguished Benefactor

Pre-season reception with guest speaker to discuss the upcoming season, plus all below benefits.


An invitation for two to the annual Benefactors’ Dinner, plus all below benefits.


Complimentary beverage tickets, access to prime seating with a $1,500 donation (2 seats per $1,500 increment), plus all below benefits.


Listing in program book and website.

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