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Click here for the 2024-25 Annual Member Levels, Season Subscription Prices as well as the McCallum Theatre seating chart.

Tickets are sold on a subscription-only basis. For one annual fee, plus a donation, you can enjoy the same seats at each concert.

Buy Subscription Now

Our valued patrons and donors are the life blood of the Palm Springs Friends of Philharmonic. Our Board of Directors graciously ask that every subscriber become a member of the Palm Springs Friends of Philharmonic by making an annual donation.

For more information on memberships,  Please Click Here.  Your generosity enables us to present the world’s greatest symphony orchestras.  Your donation also supports our youth education programs that include scholarships for young musicians  attending summer music camps, special grants to schools for the purchase of musical instruments, and other programs that encourage future classical music audiences.

Any remaining single tickets for individual concerts are available on a “wait list” only basis.

If you wish to be placed on our waitlist for an individual performance, please submit the form on our contact page and a member of our staff will get back to you.